Demi Lovato’s New Angel Tattoo
Demi Lovato got her second new tattoo in less than two weeks. The new tattoo was done by world famous artist Alessandro Capozzi. Alessandro is from Rome, Italy and has his own studio there, Aureo, but travels the world tattooing those lucky enough to get work done by him. He collaborated on this new angel tattoo with Demi. According to his Instagram post “We created this piece together to represent a rebirth of the spirit. The dark wings represent the bad times, their fading away is how she moved forward. The light from within represents the inner strength necessary for the change and the doves, pulling her up, symbolize the reach of an higher state of consciousness.” We mentioned in our previous piece on Lovato’s new survivor tattoo how she had a rough year which resulted in her going to rehab. Unlike her survivor tattoo which was just script this angel piece is a black and white angel image with doves on her back. This angel tattoo compounds on her survivor tattoo to show that not only did she survive, but now she is in a better place. The tattoo does provide a very strong message and visual and is wonderful work. You can sense that Demi was in a very calm place while getting this tattoo. Alessandro posted another pic of her and him while he was doing the work. Tattoos can be very cathartic and for Demi this one definitely seems to be.
On a side note famous people really are lucky enough to be able to get new work whenever they want. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get two new tattoos in less that two weeks from two famous tattoo artists. Demi has over 20 tattoos and is catching up to her heavily tattooed model boyfriend Austin Wilson.