Jessa Rhodes is a very hot girl who has tattoos but is well known for something entirely else. If you don’t know who she is you can do a quick Google search but I suggest you don’t do it on your work computer or where your significant other can see it. She was on Barstool yesterday playing their new game Answer The Internet. Basically they made her answer a bunch of interesting questions. One of those questions was “If you got a lip tattoo what would it be?” Her answer was quite shocking and the reason why was even more shocking. All we can say is watch the video and see for yourself.
Now that you have watched what do you think? Are you into girls that do that? I guess when they are hot and tattooed it’s hard no to be. Would you ever get a lip tattoo? If so what would it be? Let us know in the comments below.
Here are some more pics of Jessa for your viewing pleasure.