Amazing Lion Tattoos by Tattoo Artist Alec Turner from Black Label Tattoo Collective in Eugene, Oregon.
Alec Turner is the Founder and Senior Tattoo Artist of his high-end Tattoo Studio, Black Label Tattoo Collective, in Eugene, Oregon. At Black Label Tattoo Collective, The Pacific Northwest’s Premier Tattoo Studio, their Tattoo Artists push their creative limits daily to bring their clientele breathtaking tattoo art. From blackwork to full color, traditional to mixed aesthetics, Black Label tattoo Collective specializes in every style you can think of—so book your appointment today to get started on your next tattoo, here.
Tattoo Artist Alec Turner is Highly skilled in a wide range of styles from watercolor and surrealism to photorealistic portrait tattoos. Alec uses his experience and talent to meld your vision with his artistic perspective. Alec is committed to creating the industry’s best tattoo art for every client he sees. He takes particular care to tailor the composition and placement of his work to each person. Equally skilled at hand-drawn designs and technological tools like iPads, he uses a blend of timeless skills and cutting-edge techniques to create impressive tattoo art.
Black Label Tattoo Collective (Website) is located at 2911 W 11th Ave Suite B, Eugene, OR 97402.
You can Book a Tattoo Consultation Appointment by calling, or Walk-Ins are always Welcome!
This is an awesome Lion Thigh Tattoo by Alec Turner, we love the way the placement compliments the client’s body with this tattoo.
Would you’d like to get a Lion Tattoo, Animal Tattoo or your own Custom Tattoo by Alec Turner? Book your Next Tattoo Appointment by emailing [email protected].
“Thank you for coming by Joe, was great catching up with you buddy. For appointments please email [email protected].” Alec Turner, Black Label Tattoo Collective Artist.
Black & Grey, Lion Arm Tattoo (featured below) by Tattoo Artist Alec Turner is from Day 1 at the @villainarts Philadelphia Tattoon Convention. The was the First Tattoo for Alec’s client Peter, who drove all the way from Virginia, to get tattooed by one of his favorite Tattooers!
Stay Up-To-Date with Alec Turner’s Tattoo Convention Schedule on his Instagram Page and Book Your Next Tattoo Appointment! “Thank you for making the trip Jordan, can’t wait to finish this!” Alec Turner, Tattoo Artist. For appointments and serious inquiries, please email [email protected].
Follow Alec Turner’s Facebook Page and Instagram Page and stay up-to-date with his newest tattoos.
“I always love seeing how my tattoos look healed. Client photos of a sleeve we have been working on, thank you Lauren.” Alec Turner, Tattoo Artist, Black Label Tattoo Collective.
If you’re obsessed with Lions, love Lions, like Lions, or just want to get a Lion tattooed into your skin by a Talented Artist, we highly recommend Tattoo Artist Alec Turner.
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