Tattoo Artist Uncl Paul Knows unique style of tattooing is displayed in these solid, red rose tattoos!

Red Rose Tattoos are a popular choice by Tattoo Lovers all over the world, and if you are looking for bright, solid colors, you need to look no further! Tattoo Artist Uncl Paul Knows has put his own neo-traditional tattooing twist on color, red rose tattoos.

There are many different flower tattoos out there and Uncl Paul Knows has put his own spin on the red rose flower tattoo. As you can see with his use of bold lines and popping colors he puts an urban twist on nature’s treasures.

“Trying to do something new each time I make a rose is difficult!” – Uncle Paul Knows.

“I did this red rose tattoo on Jack, who travelled from the United Kingdom to Greece to get this done.” – Uncle Paul Knows.

“I did this red rose themed tattoo while working at Magdeburg, Germany last December. The last few months I am trying to tattoo a bit more clean and solid hope you enjoy something new from me! – Tattoo Artist Uncle Paul Knows.

Tattoo Artist Uncle Paul Knows tattoos out of The Gutter Tattoo Studio in Athens, Greece. He also travels on the tattoo industry convention circuit, you may be able to catch him and get some of the most stunning tattoo artwork we’ve ever seen, make sure you post them on our Tattoo Lovers Facebook Fan Page.

Next up is a leg tattoo of a long stem rose watercolor tattoo. The sharp, abstract lines really expand on the rose’s natural beauty. We like how Uncl Paul Knows also included and gave as much detail to the stem and the leaves. The background accentuates the rose as well as the stem rather than hide it. It gives off a simple yet gorgeous ambiance.

Want to be an ambassador of the new age with a tattoo like these? Email Uncl Paul Knows, unclpaulknows at hotmail dot com, come into the modern times with one of these new school tattoos!

What would you get Tattooed by Uncl Paul Knows? Leave a comment below!