Nadine Anderson (@devlin_616) is a Scottish tattoo model known for her face tattoos as well as having most of her body covered in blackout tattoo bodysuit. She recently did an interview where she discussed her inspiration for her tattoos and how much she has spent. “I was the classic daddy’s girl growing up and seeing my dad covered in that I always knew I wanted to be like him and have all that kind of stuff.” Nadine said about her inspiration. She has spent about £15,000, which equals about $20,000 on her tattoos. She is currently about 90% covered but says she is not done yet and still needs to do her feet. ‘You can still tell what my features are like naturally, and I wouldn’t want to take away from that because I think that’s the beauty of that tattoo.”
Nadine mentions how others react to her. “Some (friends and family) think I’m crazy, but I’ve always spoken about being covered at the end of the day, I’m still Nadine and they still love me. If anything, I’m just more me.” As for strangers it’s not quite the same. “They say things like, “you’ve ruined your life”, “you can’t be employed” and “you’ll regret this in forty years” blah blah blah, but at the end of the day I’m fully employed, I’ve paid for every single tattoo out of my own wage, no one’s ever paid for them, I’ve got my own flat and honestly I live a very normal life. ‘If I’d covered myself in a bunch of offensive work, then I deserve all of that, but you can’t really be offended by art.” She loves her blackout tattoos, but she says if you are on the fence about getting one you shouldn’t.
To read the full interview check it out here : https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/13/woman-spends-15k-tattooing-90-body-look-like-dad-12049319