Tattoo Artist Joseph Haefs put the time and effort, to create an absolutely gorgeous tattoo, which made his client’s confidence, go thru the roof!
Absolutely beautiful tattoo work and gorgeous canvas as well.
Tattoo Artist Joseph Haefs from Reverent Tattoo Studio in Las Vegas, Nevada, makes all his clients feel special. It’s amazing how beautiful he makes his female tattoo clients, before, during, and after the tattoo process.
Joseph Haef’s recent tattoo client, Bre Marie, made a Mommy Makeover Tattoo Appointment, to cover-up her c-section scars. The C-Section tattoo process, can be a pain, but Haefs puts their minds at ease, and helps Moms regain their confidence by covering up those scars with a beautiful new tattoo.

The tattoo linework and shading are phenomenal, and his client, Bre Marie lights up the tattoo even more with her infectious smile, thats’s a happy tattooed customer.